Category: Biodiversity

An Imperiled Ecosystem: the Black Belt Prairie

Black Belt Prairie Ecological Assessment By Al Schotz, Botanist and Ecologist, Alabama Natural Heritage Program The Black Belt region of Alabama is defined by a crescent-shaped pattern that extends across the central part of the state from near the Georgia state line westward to Mississippi, covering approximately 4,000 square miles. Boosting Alabama’s remarkable natural heritage,…Continue Reading An Imperiled Ecosystem: the Black Belt Prairie

Christmas Bird Count: Join the Effort to Survey Winter Birds in Auburn

Saturday, December 14 You can be a citizen scientist on Saturday, December 14th, and help contribute data to the Auburn Christmas Bird Count (CBC). The CBC has taken place in Auburn since 1993 and helps scientists to understand winter bird populations overtime in both Auburn and throughout the Americas. It is part of a larger…Continue Reading Christmas Bird Count: Join the Effort to Survey Winter Birds in Auburn

From Nature to Knowledge – New Exhibit at RBD Library

Have you seen the new exhibit, From Nature to Knowledge: Specimens, Collections, and Drawings located on the first floor at the Ralph Brown Draughon Library? Be sure to check it out next time you are there!  This exhibit started with the AU Art and Art History professor, Dr. Daniel Esquivia Zapata’s Drawing I class. The students visited…Continue Reading From Nature to Knowledge – New Exhibit at RBD Library

Science Pub this Thursday 10/24

Join our Entomology Curator, Dr. Brian Counterman, at COSAM Outreach’s Science Pub this Thursday, October 24th at 6:30 pm at John Emerald Distilling Co. in Opelika.  Come hear the story of the origin of butterflies, and how Alabama and its scientists have played pivotal roles in shaping our understanding of butterfly diversification and the origin…Continue Reading Science Pub this Thursday 10/24

Museum Bioblitz on Oct. 5 at Creek line Trail

Learn about the species found in our area, at the new Creek line Trail while being guided by our experts! We will have tutorials on how to use iNaturalist to make observations for the Marble Bowl while learning about the natural world. Please check in and meet at the pavilion by the Wood Duck Nature…Continue Reading Museum Bioblitz on Oct. 5 at Creek line Trail

Visualizing Science and Nature Through Art 

Did you know that our specimens are not always used for research? Many times, our specimens are used to inspire artists! This happens in the form of poetry, photographs, and illustration from both Auburn University and beyond. Learn about Janet Stephens, an artist that just completed scientific illustration program who worked with AUMNH specimens to…Continue Reading Visualizing Science and Nature Through Art 

Marble Bowl in 4 Days!

We can’t wait to kick-off the 2024 Football Season because that means it is time for Extension’s Marble Bowl! This Biodiversity Battle takes place on iNaturalist from August 31st to December 1st and is a competition between Auburn University and University of Alabama to observe and document as many species in our beautiful state of…Continue Reading Marble Bowl in 4 Days!

Open House on Homecoming: Saturday, September 14

Want to be inspired? Amazed? Come learn and explore biodiversity through the millions of specimens in AUMNH’s Open House before the Homecoming football game! We invite you to the Auburn University Museum of Natural History annual Open House to explore the behind the scenes portion of our collections, learn about diverse species, and gain a…Continue Reading Open House on Homecoming: Saturday, September 14

Auburn Christmas Bird Count

Do you enjoy watching birds? Do you want to be a scientist and help collect data? Join us on Saturday, December 16th for a 24-hour citizen science event, the Auburn Christmas Bird Count! The Auburn Christmas Bird Count has been happening for 30 years and is part of the larger Audubon Christmas Bird Count, which started in 1900…Continue Reading Auburn Christmas Bird Count

Orphaned Collections and the Taxonomic Dilemma

Over the course of the last 150 years or so, universities and other agencies collected specimens, often as part of field classes. Some of these specimens eventually formed individual collections, and sometimes those collections would amalgamate into museums with multiple collections. As time has passed, priorities for universities and other agencies changed, and professors retired…Continue Reading Orphaned Collections and the Taxonomic Dilemma